From UnitedHealthcare:
“The following resources will help you quickly reference the effective dates for UnitedHealthcare’s temporary benefit, program and procedure changes related to COVID-19, as well as billing guidelines for services such as COVID-19 testing, treatment and telehealth.
Program Date Summary
The Summary of COVID-19 Dates by Program outlines the beginning and end dates of program, process or procedure changes that UnitedHealthcare implemented as a result of COVID-19. Full details of these changes, including applicable benefit plans and service information, can be found online. Please be aware of the following key dates:
- June 1 – All currently effective prior authorization requirements and site of service reviews resume.
- June 30 – Claims with a date of service on or after Jan. 1, 2020 will not be denied for timely filing if submitted by June 30, 2020.
- July 24 – COVID-19 telehealth service coverage and related cost-share waivers for Individual and fully insured Group Market health plan members are extended through July 24, 2020. UnitedHealthcare will adhere to state regulations for Medicaid plans.
- Sept. 30 – Cost share is waived for Medicare Advantage members for both primary and specialty office care visits, including telehealth, through Sept. 30, 2020.
Billing Guidance
To help you understand how UnitedHealthcare will reimburse services during the national public health emergency period, please download the COVID-19 Provider Billing Guidance. It outlines billing codes and modifiers. Because guidance may change, please check regularly for updates.
Other Key Reminders
- Mental Health Resources for Health Care Professionals: Resources and support are available to help you focus on, manage and understand your mental and physical well-being during this challenging time.
- HouseCalls and Optum at Home Visits: These visits resumed in some markets on May 22, 2020. UnitedHealthcare is continuing virtual visits in other markets and will continue to evaluate and resume in-person visits where possible.
- Antibody Test Registration: UnitedHealthcare is asking all laboratories and health care professionals who perform COVID-19 antibody tests to register the tests they use. The registration takes only a few minutes to complete.”