As the open enrollment period approaches, most consumers will enjoy lower premiums and more choice. A new report from CMS shows that 22 more issuers will offer coverage through in 2021, bringing the total to 181. As more issuers offer coverage, the percentage of enrollees with access to only one issuer is decreasing from 29% in 2018 to 4% in 2021, and more than three quarters of enrollees will have access to at least three issuers in 2021.
Consumers will be able to start enrolling in plans for the 2021 plan year beginning on November 1, 2020, which marks the beginning of the annual Open Enrollment Period for the individual market Exchanges. The Health Insurance Exchange 2021 Open Enrollment Period is November 1, 2020 to December 15, 2020, with coverage beginning on January 1, 2021.
All providers need to remind their staff to ask patients about changes to their insurance. Every visit, every time, no excuses! You can’t afford to take risks with your reimbursement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your livelihood depends on it!