From the RELI Group:
“PEPPER is an educational tool that summarizes provider-specific data statistics for Medicare services that may be at risk for improper payments. Providers can use the data to support internal auditing and monitoring activities.”
“The PEPPER team has updated the maps that display the PEPPER retrieval rates for PEPPERs accessed via the PEPPER Resources Portal for each state/territory. Percentages reflect the PEPPER release that was completed April 5, 2019, for SNFs, CAHs, hospices, and LTCHs and that was completed July 8, 2019 for home health agencies. Please click on a link below to view the maps. States on the interactive maps are color-coded according to their retrieval rates. Click on a state to obtain details, such as the number of PEPPERs available in the state via the portal, the number of PEPPERs accessed via the portal, the retrieval rates, and a link to the data file for all states/territories in the nation. The maps are updated monthly.”
Map of Q4CY18 HHA PEPPER retrievals by state
Map of Q4FY18 SNF PEPPER retrievals by state
Map of Q4FY18 Hospice PEPPER retrievals by state
Map of Q4FY18 LT PEPPER retrievals by state
Map of Q4FY18 CAH PEPPER retrievals by state