Moratorium Extended: No new home health agencies will be allowed in Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale and the surrounding metro areas. This is a continuation of the moratorium that was put in place a couple of years ago to combat fraud and abuse. The moratorium is extended for another 6 months.
Massachusetts: Medicaid home health providers are coming under scrutiny for utilization and some are being investigated. The Executive Office of Health & Human Services has referred at least 12 agencies to the Medicaid Fraud Division of the Attorney General’s office. Under investigation are services that are medically not necessary or were never provided.
Indiana: Nightingale Home Healthcare, based out of Carmel has been permanently barred from Medicare. The reason for these cancellations is due to alleged poor care and putting the lives of patients in jeopardy. Nightingale is currently appealing the decisions and is in bankruptcy proceedings.